söndag 26 januari 2020

The Black Box and the Principle of Karma

How does karma work? Is there a trick to see when it is in action? How to turn it off? 


The Black Box
I had bought a power backup, a black box that should prevent my external disc from being damaged by an eventual power failure and now, for two days I had been trying to figure out how to arrange the electrical cables in the hallway and how to attach them to the devices in the right order. I was drawing map after map with red lines connecting square boxes in different ways, but I could not understand how to do it.
Finally, I gave up and I drove down to the Computer Center and I asked how to do. The guy explained how it should be and I bought the missing cable so now the problem was solved.

I had just come out of the shop when I suddenly remembered that one of those ”computer guys” had earlier said: ”It switches over in a millisecond”.

It must have been about that black box to which I had now bought a cable and I thought about it for a while and I repeated the words: ”It switches over in a millisecond”. Aha... now I understood why the manual says: ”Radiation Warning”. If something like that quickly switches over, changing power source, then a strong electromagnetic impulse can be the result of it and such an impulse can damage other sensitive technical equipment. It does not mean that it produces strong impulses all the time (I had been wondering about that).

I drove home again.
When I had come home I didn´t want to climb around putting up long cables under the ceiling, so I went to the kitchen table where I just sat down with a cup of coffee.

I thought that I wanted to continue to write about the Talking Stick, which I had started to do another day. But instead of that, I got an idea about karma.

I thought that I would just make a little note about it to remember to continue with it another day. But when I had started I could not stop writing because new sentences were coming all the time. When I had written it down and the story seemed to be almost finished it occurred to me that karma is working in the same way as that electric black box, which I had been concerned about for two days.

The box works in a special way and now I had focused on it so much that I had got inspiration about something else that works in the same way: our brain and nervous system in connection to emotions, instincts, and karmic reactions.

No, karma is not just a judgment from past life-time, being kept by Father God in his golden Book of Life in Heaven. But that is a very good way of describing it in an educative fable.
It is not something mystical that creates your destiny from a secret place far away in kosmos. It is quite natural, but it does not belong to the world of biology and chemistry - it belongs to the world of electricity and frequencies. And it is ”here” equally much as ”there” as it belongs to a dimension that is beyond ”here and there”, like a film on the Internet.

Karma is something that you create over and over again, yesterday, today, tomorrow. You create new karma all the time and then you are entangled in all those threads, which can be visualized as electrical cords with various signals and various frequency patterns, being sent out from stored energy clusters. The cords are symbols for energy pathways that are created and activated by frequency messages that are similar to our normal passwords. It´s a kind of cohesion that makes two poles ”click” with each other.

As the cords are not physical they can also be seen as meridians from your stored memory. They are just laying there, inactively waiting for a specific activation signal from your emotions. Such an emotion is usually triggered by an event in the outer world. It is something that you react to. That reaction is like a power-on-switch and your karma gets a chance to release some of its charges.
Because once upon a time, maybe in your previous life, maybe in this life, maybe last week, you have been emotionally involved in something. It was something that you wanted to do, or it was maybe just something that you wanted to say - but at that time it was not possible to do it or to say it. It was something that you had started to do but then you could not finish it. So this accumulated energy that was directed towards doing or saying this got blocked. The charge remained like the power that is stored in a battery.

This power, this charge, has identity frequencies that correspond to certain thoughts, pictures, and emotions.

If you get a strong emotional reaction to something then it is your memory working and it is your karma working. It is not always something bad because we must have memory and we must learn how to react to everything.

If you have been bitten by a snake, the next time you see a snake you will quickly get away from it. That is very good - you will not be bitten by snakes over and over again, because you have learned to quickly get away from it. But...maybe your instant reaction was not of flight. Maybe it was of fight.
If you got bitten by it and you got a strong wish to kill the snake, but you could not do it, then maybe this karma is waiting there and the energy wants to be released. It is waiting for a release. So to get this chance of release it will attract a snake. It will put you in the same situation again. Because you have an inner unreleased wish to fight a snake.

Such a charge that consists of an unreleased wish is called karma. Karma is not any kind of reaction - it is a certain kind of reaction that leads to an unfulfilled wish.
In this world, we often believe that such a wish is something in the past. I wanted to do it but I never got the chance. So it is over.

But in a spiritual sense, it is not over. It is an action that has started on another lever and it is seen as something that is going on all the time - till it gets released. So they call karma ”unfinished action” but the word just means action. As Sanskrit is a very sophisticated language it probably means only this kind of action.
Indian gurus and Western people see the concept of action in different ways, probably because we use the same word for different kinds of action. And also, we do not see a strong wish or intention as an action. We do not believe that there are invisible actions that are performed on another level. Our language is not suitable for this kind of philosophy. The common way of thinking is in Kali Yuga mainly focused on materia. Right now we are getting into a period where also ”energy” and electricity get included in our view of reality.

A trick
One trick to recognize a karmic reaction is first to be able to recognize an instinct, which is a sudden change of emotion, that is created for the purpose of survival, and then to identify the triggers that ignite it when no danger at all is present. What is being felt is a drive to release stored, blocked energy.
Another trick is to identify and analyze your wishes, especially those wishes that have a strong emotional charge and also those that you consider being ”reality”.

So you are all the time carrying around a lot of unfinished actions. You are a big package of actions that you have started up and now you are searching for the release of them. The big release. The big freedom. It can also be called freedom of reaction. Your actions are no longer initiated by reactions to instincts. Your actions are like still water. You just know what to do. There are no high voltage impulses pushing you here and there.

You are not driven by fight or flight, not by passion, revenge, greed, need or fear. When your worldly reactions, your karma, has ceased to dominate you, then you can focus on a higher spirit and pick up your emotion from that place. You can now get the energy from a steady cosmic source and not from your own karmic battery charge.
Now you are driven by flow and knowledge and your net of entanglement is dissolved.

So we can say that karma works in the same way as a certain electrical device, that you can use as a battery back-up for your stationary IT-equipment. It is meant for those things that should not be exposed to a lack of energy due to a power failure.
If the normal power supply is interrupted this back-up-device will in a millisecond switch on the current from the battery. Now your IT-equipment is no longer run by the universal power-grid - it is run by the charge from your own back-up-battery.

In the same way a sudden emotion can be seen as a sudden switch-over from cosmic energy to personal energy. It changes in a millisecond.
Very often you can see on a person when this switch-over takes place.
You can see and you can feel that a sudden change takes place, You can see it on the person´s face and you can hear it from the voice. There is some kind of sudden change in behavior.

We have taken the word ”karma” from India, from Sanskrit. Other people also had a deep philosophy about human behavior, but they were using other words.

I have heard that some Red Indian medicine men say something similar. They say that the ”shields spin around” and after that you are acting, not from your Adult Spirit Shield, but from your Child Shield. You suddenly switch over to a childish behavior and you lose contact with the higher parts of the brain.

How can karma be possible? 
The only thing we have difficulties in believing is how memory is carried over from one incarnation to the next one. Your memories from other lifetimes, where are they stored?

The best idea is that we have another body (which indigenous people also usually say) that belongs to another dimension and when our physical body dies this other body still remains. It is visible in that other dimension, but not in this one. This would also mean that when you die you do not even notice that you die. You just wake up in another place and you remember having had a dream.
That is also what I have heard from Red Indians. They say that this life is just a dream.

So your karma remains intact. You do not get rid of it when you die. It works in the opposite way: you have to return to Earth to be able to change your karma.
Your karma consists of energy clusters carrying different frequency patterns, and those clusters are parts of your energy body on another level of existence, in another dimension, in another world. Such a cluster draws you into a new incarnation where it can find an outlet of its charge. Your whole life consists of a constant search for these outlets that will free you from these blockages, which prevent you from being fully free.

In our computer world that would correspond to the memories that we can store ”on the cloud”.
The storage takes place in a server somewhere (or soon maybe in a satellite) but in reality, in our natural reality, the spiritual cloud would belong to another dimension and your personal storage place is a spiritual body.

This is why you can contact a spirit, like for example an ancestor, as the indigenous people often do. If you get into full cohesion with grandfather´s light body you also have access to his energy, his memory, and his knowledge. Native people have developed many special methods and ceremonies for this and one good example is the Tokotoko, the ”speaker´s Staff, of the Maori people. Another method is to hold the burning Medicine Pipe while you are directing your prayers and intentions to a certain direction. This can be emphasized by sitting in a Medicine Wheel and also by using a drum or anything that makes a monotonous sound or movement.

It fits very well to have this black box as a symbol of karma. First of all, because it is black and heavy. Karma is what pushes you into this heavy material world and this dark Kali Yuga which is also called the Iron Age. (Dwapara Yuga is cupper, Treta Yuga is silver and Satya Yuga is gold.)
Second, because it fuels your system with a boost of energy that comes from a very powerful but also very limited source of energy. The black box switches over to this power and at the same time, the power from the big grid is lost.
The same for karma, which casts you into getting power from material wishes and actions, while you at the same time get detached from the big cosmic power source, which would provide you with power from life itself, from love, joy, light, and knowledge.

If we make the example in an extended way, humanity is now in Kali Yuga, the Age of Darkness, also called the Iron Age, mainly focusing on solid matter and taking our energy from the man-made electric grid, instead of taking it from sun, nature and natural spirit.

Our modern society is like a big black box where we live on a relatively short-lived external back-up power, where the goal of life will be the perfect artificial intelligence with robots and machines that do all the job for us. We create a power-net around the globe and at the same time we create full control of every individual.
We will do everything we can to support this power back-up, to feed it with energy that we create with various inventions because now our lives depend on it. The end result will be a world where the whole nature is sick, including waters, seas, plants, animals, and humans. Constant technological surveillance will provide us with "the right medicines" all the time and it will be the ultimate dream of Big Pharma, which can now say: "We have won the game!"

This results in a broken connection to God or Brahma and our higher intuition and divine guidance about our dreams. We no longer even believe in such things and that is the first sign of being entangled in this black trap of Iron Age. 


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